Essential nutrients requirements of sheep and goat are water, energy, protein, minerals and vitamins. We at New Rosedale Feedmill can build a nutrition program that will provide your sheep and goat with the required nutrients to meet your production goals with healthy and well-nourished animals.

New Rosedale Feedmill sheep and goat feeds promote successful production at each stage.

We offer quality products, such as.

  • Lamb Starter- Complete feed which is palatable and nutrient dense to start the lamb with well-balanced feed for the first stage.
  • Lamb Grower- Complete feed that provide all the nutrients for a growing lamb, results in a good feed intake and high performance.
  • Sheep Supplement- Well balanced with grains, vegetable protein, amino acids, minerals and vitamins.
  • Sheep 1:1, 2:1 and breeder minerals, which are well balanced with minerals and vitamins that can fit your feeding system.
  • Goat mineral – well balanced with vitamins and minerals.
  • Mapleview Lamb Start 22-22-28- highly digestible milk replacer for young lambs.

Our sheep and goat products are always reviewed by our professional animal nutritionists to meet all producer needs and improve performance of your animals.

For a great nutrition service, quality and affordable feed, contact one of New Rosedale Representative for a consultation.